Groupers based on the results of research in Indonesia there are 41 types. Different naming every area in Indonesia.Ada who called grouper but some are calling it groupers, melody and others. Now this type is the most widely cultivated species of duck and grouper grouper Lumpur. B.Pemilihan Location One factor that must be considered to achieve success grouper aquaculture in floating net cages is a comprehensive site selection and land managed, not all coastal areas suitable for grouper culture, and therefore need to pay attention to an important factor in site selection are: - Must consider the factor of physics, chemistry, and biology waters suitable bagiikan grouper. - Must take into account the operational cost efficiency. - Should the aspect of ease in obtaining seed, feed, marketing and security. The location is ideal cultivation must meet the requirements and pay attention to the basic conditions of the waters, currents, tides, sedimentation and other water quality parameters. In the selection of farms, there are several factors to consider include: 1. Water that is free from large ocean waves and the wind blowing. 2. The depth of the water from the bottom of the cage at the lowest tide ranges from 2-5 meters or more. 3. Kecepan tdak strong currents which ranges from 20 to 40 cm / sec. 4. Salinity ranges from 15-30 ppt, the water temperature ranges from 28-30 C, dissolved oxygen content of 5-8 ppm, pH 7.5 - 9.0, ammonia and nitrite.
C.Sarana Aquaculture.
a. Framework / Raft. Framework / raft is part of a cage that serves as a place to put the cage (net), can be made of bamboo, wood or iron pipe. If using metal as the material should be painted anti-rust up first. Selection of materials for frame / raft is dependent on the availability of location and cost. The shape and size of the frame / raft varies depending on the size of the nets is needed, a raft usually consists of four cages (net). b. float The buoy serves to float cages / raft. Float material can be made from plastic drum, steel drum or buoys stylofoam. The size and number of buoys that are used to adjust the size of the load and the buoyancy of the buoy. A bamboo raft that consists of four floating cages (3 x 3 x 3 m) is required buoy drum plastic / metal volume of 200 liters as much as 9 pieces. Buoy in the raft with a rope tied to the polyethylene (PE) with diameters of 0.8 - 1.0 cm.
c. Confinement / Nets Maintaining
a fish cage made of polyethylene (PE). Selection of these materials is based on its resistance to environmental influences and the price is relatively cheap when compared to other materials. The shape and size of this confinement varies and is influenced by the type of farmed fish, fish size, water depth and the ease factor in its management. Width mesh / cage adapted to the size of farmed fish, missalmya to fish length of less than 10 cm width of the eye is used is 8 mm (5/16 inch), the length of 10-15 cm wide fish eye used 25 mm (1 inch) and eyes wide with a length of 15-40 cm or more is 25-50 mm (1-2 inches). Installation of confinement on a raft made by tying a rope ris end up on the corner of the raft. To make the cage open towards the bottom is used weights tied to the four corners of the bottom rope ris. Fourth ballast attached to the corners of the bottom and then tied to the raft to facilitate the removal and replacement of confinement time or to control the fish. The top of the cage should be given the cover of netting material to prevent the escape of fish or deter predators (birds). d.Jangkar Anchor serves to hold the entire aquaculture facilities in order to remain on tempatnya.Jangkar used must be able to withstand the aquaculture facilities of the influence of currents, wind and waves. Anchors can be made of iron, sandbags or in blocks of cement / concrete. The use of type and number of anchors depends on the magnitude of current / wind, water bottom conditions, water depth, and magnitude of aquaculture facilities. Anchor of the cement block / concrete is considered more practical to use because of relatively cheaper and durable than the steel anchor. Strap anchor rope can be used polyethylene (PE) and the length depends on the depth of water. The length of the anchor rope is usually three times the depth of the water (at the time barely higher.).
D. The economic value Grouper has
a high economic value. In Indonesia, this adult breeding grouper increasingly digalakan because of good demand for the domestic as well as overseas. The main export market groupers Indonesia are Singapore, Hongkong, Japan, Taiwan, Malaysia, american bundle, and several European countries. Price grouper pretty well in the market, it is seen from the increasing selling prices. Price level grouper fishermen at Rp. 70,000, - per kg live. For humpback grouper fish could reach Rp. 350,000, per kg live. For Hong Kong and Singapore market could reach US $ 100 per kg. There are at least three reasons why the grouper needs to be cultivated as a leading commodity. First, the grouper fishery commodities that have export peluanng very interesting. Second, pertmbuhan grouper overall business is expected to increase the country's foreign exchange and improve the livelihoods of the fishermen society. Third, modernization arrest and grouper will reduce negative impacts on the marine environment in particular the destruction of coral reefs.
Groupers based on the results of research in Indonesia there are 41 types. Different naming every area in Indonesia.Ada who called grouper but some are calling it groupers, melody and others. Now this type is the most widely cultivated species of duck and grouper grouper Lumpur. B.Pemilihan Location One factor that must be considered to achieve success grouper aquaculture in floating net cages is a comprehensive site selection and land managed, not all coastal areas suitable for grouper culture, and therefore need to pay attention to an important factor in site selection are: - Must consider the factor of physics, chemistry, and biology waters suitable bagiikan grouper. - Must take into account the operational cost efficiency. - Should the aspect of ease in obtaining seed, feed, marketing and security. The location is ideal cultivation must meet the requirements and pay attention to the basic conditions of the waters, currents, tides, sedimentation and other water quality parameters. In the selection of farms, there are several factors to consider include: 1. Water that is free from large ocean waves and the wind blowing. 2. The depth of the water from the bottom of the cage at the lowest tide ranges from 2-5 meters or more. 3. Kecepan tdak strong currents which ranges from 20 to 40 cm / sec. 4. Salinity ranges from 15-30 ppt, the water temperature ranges from 28-30 C, dissolved oxygen content of 5-8 ppm, pH 7.5 - 9.0, ammonia and nitrite.
C.Sarana Aquaculture.
a. Framework / Raft. Framework / raft is part of a cage that serves as a place to put the cage (net), can be made of bamboo, wood or iron pipe. If using metal as the material should be painted anti-rust up first. Selection of materials for frame / raft is dependent on the availability of location and cost. The shape and size of the frame / raft varies depending on the size of the nets is needed, a raft usually consists of four cages (net). b. float The buoy serves to float cages / raft. Float material can be made from plastic drum, steel drum or buoys stylofoam. The size and number of buoys that are used to adjust the size of the load and the buoyancy of the buoy. A bamboo raft that consists of four floating cages (3 x 3 x 3 m) is required buoy drum plastic / metal volume of 200 liters as much as 9 pieces. Buoy in the raft with a rope tied to the polyethylene (PE) with diameters of 0.8 - 1.0 cm.
c. Confinement / Nets Maintaining
a fish cage made of polyethylene (PE). Selection of these materials is based on its resistance to environmental influences and the price is relatively cheap when compared to other materials. The shape and size of this confinement varies and is influenced by the type of farmed fish, fish size, water depth and the ease factor in its management. Width mesh / cage adapted to the size of farmed fish, missalmya to fish length of less than 10 cm width of the eye is used is 8 mm (5/16 inch), the length of 10-15 cm wide fish eye used 25 mm (1 inch) and eyes wide with a length of 15-40 cm or more is 25-50 mm (1-2 inches). Installation of confinement on a raft made by tying a rope ris end up on the corner of the raft. To make the cage open towards the bottom is used weights tied to the four corners of the bottom rope ris. Fourth ballast attached to the corners of the bottom and then tied to the raft to facilitate the removal and replacement of confinement time or to control the fish. The top of the cage should be given the cover of netting material to prevent the escape of fish or deter predators (birds). d.Jangkar Anchor serves to hold the entire aquaculture facilities in order to remain on tempatnya.Jangkar used must be able to withstand the aquaculture facilities of the influence of currents, wind and waves. Anchors can be made of iron, sandbags or in blocks of cement / concrete. The use of type and number of anchors depends on the magnitude of current / wind, water bottom conditions, water depth, and magnitude of aquaculture facilities. Anchor of the cement block / concrete is considered more practical to use because of relatively cheaper and durable than the steel anchor. Strap anchor rope can be used polyethylene (PE) and the length depends on the depth of water. The length of the anchor rope is usually three times the depth of the water (at the time barely higher.).
D. The economic value Grouper has
a high economic value. In Indonesia, this adult breeding grouper increasingly digalakan because of good demand for the domestic as well as overseas. The main export market groupers Indonesia are Singapore, Hongkong, Japan, Taiwan, Malaysia, american bundle, and several European countries. Price grouper pretty well in the market, it is seen from the increasing selling prices. Price level grouper fishermen at Rp. 70,000, - per kg live. For humpback grouper fish could reach Rp. 350,000, per kg live. For Hong Kong and Singapore market could reach US $ 100 per kg. There are at least three reasons why the grouper needs to be cultivated as a leading commodity. First, the grouper fishery commodities that have export peluanng very interesting. Second, pertmbuhan grouper overall business is expected to increase the country's foreign exchange and improve the livelihoods of the fishermen society. Third, modernization arrest and grouper will reduce negative impacts on the marine environment in particular the destruction of coral reefs.

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