Goat breed
Goats have long cultivated by the farmers or the community as
sideline or savings due to maintenance and marketing of
production (either meat, milk, manure and skins) is relatively easy.
Although traditionally has produced a decent, if
improved maintenance (a semi-intensive or intensive),
weight gain can reach 50-150 grams per day. There are three
main things that must be considered in the goat business, namely: seed,
food, and governance.
Seed selection should be tailored to the goals of the business, whether for
beef, or dairy (eg goat beans for meat production,
etawah goats for milk production, etc.).
In general characteristics of good seed is the able-bodied, not disabled, fur
clean and shiny, high adaptability to the environment.
Characteristic for the prospective parent:
1) Body compact, deep and wide chest, back and waist straight line,
great body, but not too fat.
2) Benign and friendly eyes.
3) straight legs and high heels.
4) Tooth equipped, able to graze properly (efficiently), upper jaw and
below the average.
5) From the descendants of twin or single but was born of a young parent.
6) symmetrical udders, not hanging and berputing 2 pieces.Characteristics for male candidates:
1) Body large and long with the back of the larger and more
height, chest width, not too fat, stout, active and have the libido (lust
mating) high.
2) Legs straight and strong.
3) From the offspring of twins.
4) Age range from 1.5 to 3 years.
The type and manner of administration adapted to the age and condition oflivestock.
Feed given should be sufficient protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals,
easily digestible, non-toxic and preferably cattle, inexpensive and easily obtained.
There are basically two kinds of food, namely forage (various kinds of grass)
and an additional meal (derived from nuts, fish meal, oil cakes
oil, vitamins and minerals).
Method of administration:
- Awarded two times a day (morning and afternoon), heavy grass 10% of body weight
goats, provide drinking water well from 1.5 to 2.5 liters per cow per day, and salt
berjodium taste.
- For pregnant goats, the mother breast-feeding, dairy goats and bulls that
mated often necessary to add food reinforcement in the form of slurry
of 0.5 - 1 kg / head / day.
4. governance
1) Cage
Should be fresh (good ventilation, sufficient sunlight, clean, and minimal
within 5 meters from the house).
Cage sizes commonly used are:
Cage begat: 120 cm x 120 cm / tail
Cage parent: 100 cm x 125 cm / tail
Cage children: 100 cm x 125 cm / tail
Cage males: 110 cm x 125 cm / tail
Cage virgin / adult: 100 cm x 125 cm / tail
Goats have long cultivated by the farmers or the community as
sideline or savings due to maintenance and marketing of
production (either meat, milk, manure and skins) is relatively easy.
Although traditionally has produced a decent, if
improved maintenance (a semi-intensive or intensive),
weight gain can reach 50-150 grams per day. There are three
main things that must be considered in the goat business, namely: seed,
food, and governance.
Seed selection should be tailored to the goals of the business, whether for
beef, or dairy (eg goat beans for meat production,
etawah goats for milk production, etc.).
In general characteristics of good seed is the able-bodied, not disabled, fur
clean and shiny, high adaptability to the environment.
Characteristic for the prospective parent:
1) Body compact, deep and wide chest, back and waist straight line,
great body, but not too fat.
2) Benign and friendly eyes.
3) straight legs and high heels.
4) Tooth equipped, able to graze properly (efficiently), upper jaw and
below the average.
5) From the descendants of twin or single but was born of a young parent.
6) symmetrical udders, not hanging and berputing 2 pieces.Characteristics for male candidates:
1) Body large and long with the back of the larger and more
height, chest width, not too fat, stout, active and have the libido (lust
mating) high.
2) Legs straight and strong.
3) From the offspring of twins.
4) Age range from 1.5 to 3 years.
The type and manner of administration adapted to the age and condition oflivestock.
Feed given should be sufficient protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals,
easily digestible, non-toxic and preferably cattle, inexpensive and easily obtained.
There are basically two kinds of food, namely forage (various kinds of grass)
and an additional meal (derived from nuts, fish meal, oil cakes
oil, vitamins and minerals).
Method of administration:
- Awarded two times a day (morning and afternoon), heavy grass 10% of body weight
goats, provide drinking water well from 1.5 to 2.5 liters per cow per day, and salt
berjodium taste.
- For pregnant goats, the mother breast-feeding, dairy goats and bulls that
mated often necessary to add food reinforcement in the form of slurry
of 0.5 - 1 kg / head / day.
4. governance
1) Cage
Should be fresh (good ventilation, sufficient sunlight, clean, and minimal
within 5 meters from the house).
Cage sizes commonly used are:
Cage begat: 120 cm x 120 cm / tail
Cage parent: 100 cm x 125 cm / tail
Cage children: 100 cm x 125 cm / tail
Cage males: 110 cm x 125 cm / tail
Cage virgin / adult: 100 cm x 125 cm / tail
2) Management of reproduction
Tried to be a goat could give birth at least 3 times in two years.
Things that must be considered are:
a. Goat sex reach adulthood at the age of 6 s / d 10 months, and
should be mated at the age of 10-12 months or when body weight
reach 55-60 kg.
b. Old lust 24-45 hours, intermittent cycles lust for 17-21 days.
c. Lust signs: restlessness, decreased appetite and drinking, tail
often flicked, frequent urination, swollen genitals and want / silent when
be climbed.
d. Ratio of male and female = 1: 10
When the right to marry a goat is:
a. Pregnant period 144-156 days (± 5 months).
b. Time of birth, weaning and the rest ± 2 months.
3) Control of Disease
a. It should be emphasized in the prevention of disease through sanitation
cage is good, nutritional food adequate and vaccination.
b. Disease that often affects goats are: worms, scab
(scabies), bloat (Bloat), lungs (pneumonia), orf, and
4) Post-Harvest
a. Care should be taken to always increase the value added of
livestock production, good meat, milk, leather, horn, or droppings. when
goats for sale at the time of weight does not increase anymore (age
about 1 - 1.5 years), and arranged so that the demand for goat
quite high.
b. Price estimated under: live weight x (45 to 50%) of carcasses x
retail meat prices.
Tried to be a goat could give birth at least 3 times in two years.
Things that must be considered are:
a. Goat sex reach adulthood at the age of 6 s / d 10 months, and
should be mated at the age of 10-12 months or when body weight
reach 55-60 kg.
b. Old lust 24-45 hours, intermittent cycles lust for 17-21 days.
c. Lust signs: restlessness, decreased appetite and drinking, tail
often flicked, frequent urination, swollen genitals and want / silent when
be climbed.
d. Ratio of male and female = 1: 10
When the right to marry a goat is:
a. Pregnant period 144-156 days (± 5 months).
b. Time of birth, weaning and the rest ± 2 months.
3) Control of Disease
a. It should be emphasized in the prevention of disease through sanitation
cage is good, nutritional food adequate and vaccination.
b. Disease that often affects goats are: worms, scab
(scabies), bloat (Bloat), lungs (pneumonia), orf, and
4) Post-Harvest
a. Care should be taken to always increase the value added of
livestock production, good meat, milk, leather, horn, or droppings. when
goats for sale at the time of weight does not increase anymore (age
about 1 - 1.5 years), and arranged so that the demand for goat
quite high.
b. Price estimated under: live weight x (45 to 50%) of carcasses x
retail meat prices.
1) Expenditures
a. seed
- Seed 1 tail male = 1 x Rp. 250.000, - Rp. 250.000, -
- Seed 6 females = 1 x Rp. 200.000, - Rp. 1.200.000, -
Total $. 1.45 million, -
b. Cage Rp. 500.000, -
c. Food Rp. 200.000, -
d. Drugs Rp. 100.000, -
Total Expenditure USD. 2.25 million, -
2) Income
a. of children
If after one year, to 6 products produce two tails, the number of goats
which can be sold after 1 year = 12 tail.
If the price of each tail Rp. 150.000, - then the tail of 12 will be
generated: 12 x Rp. 150.000, - = Rp. 1.800.000, -
b. of the parent
Stem weight of 50 grams per cow per day, then after 2 years
will result in weight: 50 gr x 7 x 365 = 127.75 kg.
Total meat can be sold (7 x 15 kg) + 127.75 kg = 232.75 kg.
Revenue from the sale of meat = 232.75 kg x Rp. 10,000, -=
Rp.2.327.500, -
c. From the dirt:
Over the past two years can produce ± 70 sacks x Rp. 1.000, - = Rp.
70.000, -
3) Advantages
a. Login: Rp.1.800.000 + Rp. + 2.3275 million USD. 70 000 USD. 4,197,500, -
b. Exit: Rp.1.450.000 Rp.500.000 + Rp 100,000 + + Rp.200.000. 2.25 million
c. Advantages for 2 years: USD. 4,197,500, - USD. 2.25 million USD. 1,947,500, -
or Rp. 81 145, - per month.
Brochures Goat, Animal Husbandry Department, Government of DKI Jakarta,Jakarta
Center (1997).
1) Expenditures
a. seed
- Seed 1 tail male = 1 x Rp. 250.000, - Rp. 250.000, -
- Seed 6 females = 1 x Rp. 200.000, - Rp. 1.200.000, -
Total $. 1.45 million, -
b. Cage Rp. 500.000, -
c. Food Rp. 200.000, -
d. Drugs Rp. 100.000, -
Total Expenditure USD. 2.25 million, -
2) Income
a. of children
If after one year, to 6 products produce two tails, the number of goats
which can be sold after 1 year = 12 tail.
If the price of each tail Rp. 150.000, - then the tail of 12 will be
generated: 12 x Rp. 150.000, - = Rp. 1.800.000, -
b. of the parent
Stem weight of 50 grams per cow per day, then after 2 years
will result in weight: 50 gr x 7 x 365 = 127.75 kg.
Total meat can be sold (7 x 15 kg) + 127.75 kg = 232.75 kg.
Revenue from the sale of meat = 232.75 kg x Rp. 10,000, -=
Rp.2.327.500, -
c. From the dirt:
Over the past two years can produce ± 70 sacks x Rp. 1.000, - = Rp.
70.000, -
3) Advantages
a. Login: Rp.1.800.000 + Rp. + 2.3275 million USD. 70 000 USD. 4,197,500, -
b. Exit: Rp.1.450.000 Rp.500.000 + Rp 100,000 + + Rp.200.000. 2.25 million
c. Advantages for 2 years: USD. 4,197,500, - USD. 2.25 million USD. 1,947,500, -
or Rp. 81 145, - per month.
Brochures Goat, Animal Husbandry Department, Government of DKI Jakarta,Jakarta
Center (1997).
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