Saffron (turmeric)
turmeric or Saffron
(Curcuma longa Linn.)
Curcuma domestica Val. C. Rumph domestica. C. longa Auct.
Turmeric (Curcuma domestic) including one of the spices and medicinal plants,native habitat of this plant covers an area of Asia, especially Southeast Asia. These plants then the distribution to the Indo-Malaysia, Indonesia, Australia and evenAfrica. Almost everyone Indonesia and India and the Asian nations generally beenconsuming this spice plants, either as a complement to a cooking spice, herb or tomaintain health and beauty.
Curable Disease:
Diabetes mellitus, Typhus, Appendicitis, dysentery, leucorrhoea Hospital;Menstruation is not smooth, stomach pains during menstruation, breastfeedingStreamlining; tonsils, mucous stools, Morbili, Cangkrang (Waterproken);
Diabetes mellitus, Typhus, Appendicitis, dysentery, leucorrhoea Hospital;Menstruation is not smooth, stomach pains during menstruation, breastfeedingStreamlining; tonsils, mucous stools, Morbili, Cangkrang (Waterproken);
1. Diabetes mellitus
Ingredients: 3 rhizome of turmeric, 1 / 2 teaspoon salt
Method: The second material is boiled with 1 liter of water
to boiling, then filtered.
How to use: drinked 2 times a week 1 / 2 cup.2. Typhus
Ingredients: 2 rhizome of turmeric, a hump SERE, a bitter leaves
Method: All the material is finely ground and crushed,
then added 1 cup of cooking water is still warm, and in
How to use: drink, and carried out for 1 week
in a row.3. Appendix
Ingredients: 1 rhizome of turmeric, lemon fruit 1 egg, 1 slice of sugar
coconut / palm. Salt to taste.
How to: turmeric grated and squeezed lemon juice, then
mixed with other ingredients and brewed with 1 cup water
heat, and then filtered.
How to use: drinked every morning after eating, the
orderly.4. Dysentery
Ingredients: 1-2 turmeric rhizome, gambier and whiting to taste
How to make: all ingredients are boiled with 2 cups water
to boil down to 1 cup and then filtered.
How to use: drink and repeated until healed.5. Leucorrhoea
Ingredients: 2 rhizome of turmeric, 1 handful of leaves beluntas, a handle of fruit
acid, 1 slice of coconut sugar / palm
How to make: all ingredients are boiled with 1 liter of water
until boiling, then filtered.
How to use: drink 1 glass a day.6. Menstruation is not smooth
Ingredients: 2 rhizome of turmeric, 1 / 2 tea spoon coriander, 1 / 2 tea spoon
nutmeg, 1 / 2 handheld srigading leaves.
How to make: all ingredients are finely ground and then
boiled with 1 liter of water until boiling, then filtered
How to use: drink 1 glass a day.7. Stomach pains during menstruation
Ingredients: 1 of 4 cm turmeric rhizome, ginger rhizome 1 of 4 cm,
1 / 2 by 4 cm rhizome kencur
How to make: all the material is washed and shredded
to take water, then add the lemon juice
juice, brewed with 1 / 2 cup hot water and filtered.
How to use: salt and sugar to taste and
drunk on the first day of menstruation.8. Facilitate breastfeeding
Ingredients: 1 rhizome of turmeric
How to make: until finely ground turmeric
How to use: applied as a compress around each breast
1 time every 2 days.9. Cangkrang (Waterproken)
Ingredients: 2 rhizome of turmeric, 1 handful of leaves turning water,
How to Make: all ingredients until finely ground
How to use: applied on the taxable part cangkrang.10. Tonsil
Ingredients: 1 rhizome of turmeric, lemon juice 1 egg, 2 tablespoons honey
How to: turmeric grated, squeezed oranges to take water,
then mixed with honey and 1 / 2 cup warm water, stirring
thoroughly and filtered
How to use: drunk regularly 2 days once.11. Mucous stools
Ingredients: 1 rhizome of turmeric, 1 piece of gambier, 1 / 4 tablespoon
How to make: all ingredients are boiled together with 2
glasses of water to boil down to 1 cup and filtered.
How to use: drinked 2 times a day 1 / 2 cup, morning and afternoon.12. Morbili
Ingredients: 1 rhizome rhizome of turmeric and 1 dringo Bengle
Method: The second ingredient is crushed together until
How to use: applied to the entire body as a powder
Ingredients: 3 rhizome of turmeric, 1 / 2 teaspoon salt
Method: The second material is boiled with 1 liter of water
to boiling, then filtered.
How to use: drinked 2 times a week 1 / 2 cup.2. Typhus
Ingredients: 2 rhizome of turmeric, a hump SERE, a bitter leaves
Method: All the material is finely ground and crushed,
then added 1 cup of cooking water is still warm, and in
How to use: drink, and carried out for 1 week
in a row.3. Appendix
Ingredients: 1 rhizome of turmeric, lemon fruit 1 egg, 1 slice of sugar
coconut / palm. Salt to taste.
How to: turmeric grated and squeezed lemon juice, then
mixed with other ingredients and brewed with 1 cup water
heat, and then filtered.
How to use: drinked every morning after eating, the
orderly.4. Dysentery
Ingredients: 1-2 turmeric rhizome, gambier and whiting to taste
How to make: all ingredients are boiled with 2 cups water
to boil down to 1 cup and then filtered.
How to use: drink and repeated until healed.5. Leucorrhoea
Ingredients: 2 rhizome of turmeric, 1 handful of leaves beluntas, a handle of fruit
acid, 1 slice of coconut sugar / palm
How to make: all ingredients are boiled with 1 liter of water
until boiling, then filtered.
How to use: drink 1 glass a day.6. Menstruation is not smooth
Ingredients: 2 rhizome of turmeric, 1 / 2 tea spoon coriander, 1 / 2 tea spoon
nutmeg, 1 / 2 handheld srigading leaves.
How to make: all ingredients are finely ground and then
boiled with 1 liter of water until boiling, then filtered
How to use: drink 1 glass a day.7. Stomach pains during menstruation
Ingredients: 1 of 4 cm turmeric rhizome, ginger rhizome 1 of 4 cm,
1 / 2 by 4 cm rhizome kencur
How to make: all the material is washed and shredded
to take water, then add the lemon juice
juice, brewed with 1 / 2 cup hot water and filtered.
How to use: salt and sugar to taste and
drunk on the first day of menstruation.8. Facilitate breastfeeding
Ingredients: 1 rhizome of turmeric
How to make: until finely ground turmeric
How to use: applied as a compress around each breast
1 time every 2 days.9. Cangkrang (Waterproken)
Ingredients: 2 rhizome of turmeric, 1 handful of leaves turning water,
How to Make: all ingredients until finely ground
How to use: applied on the taxable part cangkrang.10. Tonsil
Ingredients: 1 rhizome of turmeric, lemon juice 1 egg, 2 tablespoons honey
How to: turmeric grated, squeezed oranges to take water,
then mixed with honey and 1 / 2 cup warm water, stirring
thoroughly and filtered
How to use: drunk regularly 2 days once.11. Mucous stools
Ingredients: 1 rhizome of turmeric, 1 piece of gambier, 1 / 4 tablespoon
How to make: all ingredients are boiled together with 2
glasses of water to boil down to 1 cup and filtered.
How to use: drinked 2 times a day 1 / 2 cup, morning and afternoon.12. Morbili
Ingredients: 1 rhizome rhizome of turmeric and 1 dringo Bengle
Method: The second ingredient is crushed together until
How to use: applied to the entire body as a powder
CHEMISTRY CONTENT: Turmeric contains medicinal compounds, calledcurcuminoid consisting of curcumin, desmetoksikumin and bisdesmetoksikurkuminand other benefits of substances Substance Ingredients: Curcumin: R1 = R2 = OCH310% Demetoksikurkumin: R1 = OCH3, R2 = H 1 - 5% Bisdemetoksikurkumin: R1 =R2 = H asiri remaining oil / volatile oil (sesquiterpene ketones, turmeron, tumeon60%, 25% Zingiberen, felandren, sabinen, borneol and sineil) Fat 1 -3%, 3%Carbohydrate, Protein 30% , Starch 8%, 45-55% Vitamin C, mineral salts (iron,phosphorus, and calcium) remaining.
CHEMISTRY CONTENT: Turmeric contains medicinal compounds, calledcurcuminoid consisting of curcumin, desmetoksikumin and bisdesmetoksikurkuminand other benefits of substances Substance Ingredients: Curcumin: R1 = R2 = OCH310% Demetoksikurkumin: R1 = OCH3, R2 = H 1 - 5% Bisdemetoksikurkumin: R1 =R2 = H asiri remaining oil / volatile oil (sesquiterpene ketones, turmeron, tumeon60%, 25% Zingiberen, felandren, sabinen, borneol and sineil) Fat 1 -3%, 3%Carbohydrate, Protein 30% , Starch 8%, 45-55% Vitamin C, mineral salts (iron,phosphorus, and calcium) remaining.
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