Palm Garden

Palm GardenA. CLIMATE1. By nature of oil palm can only grow in tropical areas. This plant can grow marshy places (swamps) along the banks of rivers and in wet places.2. In tropical rain forests, these plants can not grow because it is too moist and do not get sunlight because the shaded canopy of higher plants.3. Must direct sunlight on palm leaves. Long the sun shines an average of 5-7 hours per day.4. The wind did not affect growth because leaf shape is such that it is not easily tampered with the wind.5. Palm seed dormancy (temporary state of the plant) is quite long.6. Necessary good aeration and high temperatures to break seed dormancy period in order to germinate.7. In the germination process required 60-80% humidity with a temperature of 35 º C.8. Annual rainfall between 1500-4000 mm, the optimal 2000-3000 mm / year.Climate Situation(Class 1) (Class 2) (Class 3) (Class 4) Good Moderate Poorly Not GoodRainfall (mm) 200-2500 1800-2000 1600-1800 <> The deficit of water / year (mm) 0-150 150-250 250-400 >400
Day length is not raining <> <> <> > 10Temperature (º C) 22-33 22-33 22-33 22-33Watering (hours) 6 <> <>Humidity (%) 80 80 <> <>B. PLANTING MEDIA1. Good soil for the cultivation of oil palm should contain much clay, beraerasi good and fertile.2. Soil should be well drained, the surface of the ground water deep enough, deep enough solum, not rocky.3. Latosol soil, Ultisol and Alluvial soil that includes peat, coastal plains and estuaries can be used as oil palm plantations.4. Land has a degree of acidity (pH) between 4-6.5. Altitude are ideal for the growth of oil palm plantations between 100-400 m above sea level.6. Topography is flat and wavy to undulating.7. Ideal slope ranges from 0 to 25%.The state Land (Class 1) (Class 2) (Class 3) (Class 4) Good Moderate Poorly Not GoodHigh places 000-400 m asl 000-400 m asl 000-400 m asl 000-400 m aslTopography Flat Wavy Wavy Hilly SteepSlope (%) 0-15 16-25 25-36 > 36Solum (cm) > 80 80 60-80 > 60Water depth (cm)> 80 60-80 50-60 40-50Texture Lempung2 clay Sandy clay Sand Clay Clay SandOrganic matter (cm) 5-10 5-10 5-10 > 5The state rock In In In Inhibit rootErosion There is no There is no There is no SlightlyDrainage Good Passable Passable PassableFlood There is no There is no There is no SlightlyTidal influence There is no There is no There is no SlightlyC. SEEDLINGSSeeding of oil palm plantations can be done by way of generative and it is being done to increase the tissue culture of oil palm seeds.1. Terms of seedSeeds for oil palm seedlings can now be provided by the 6 (six) seed producers in the country that is officially Oil Palm Research Center (PPKS) Medan, PT London Sumatra (Lonsum), PT Socfin, PT Tunggal Yunus Estate, PT Dami Mas Sejahtera and PT Palm Bina Makmur. The seeds produced by the official manufacturer has a very good quality is derived from the parent obvious origins such Pisifera Delidura and father.Types of Dura oil palm, usually grown as a tree with parent characteristics:
· The characteristics; thin pieces of meat (20-65%)
· Shell thick (20-50%)
· Seed thick (40-20%)
Type Pisifera palm, usually grown as a crop with the pollen characteristics:
· The characteristics; flesh thick (92-97%)
• No shell
· Seed small (3-8%)
Type Tenera palm, usually planted in oil palm plantations with the characteristics:
· The characteristics; flesh of the fruit is being (60-96%)
· Shell thin (30-20%)
· Seed moderate (3-15%)...
2. seed germination
a. How to Medan PPKS
1). Spikeletnya released from the fruit stalk.
2). Fruit bunches brooded for three days and occasionally drenched with water.Separate pieces of tandannya and peram again for 3 days.
3). Enter into the fruit machine beater to separate the pulp from the seeds. Wash theseeds with water and put into a solution of Dithane M-45 0.2% for 3 minutes. Drainand seed selection to obtain a uniform size.
4). All the seeds are stored in the room temperature 27 º C and humidity 60-70%before dikecambahkan.
a. How to Medan PPKS
1). Spikeletnya released from the fruit stalk.
2). Fruit bunches brooded for three days and occasionally drenched with water.Separate pieces of tandannya and peram again for 3 days.
3). Enter into the fruit machine beater to separate the pulp from the seeds. Wash theseeds with water and put into a solution of Dithane M-45 0.2% for 3 minutes. Drainand seed selection to obtain a uniform size.
4). All the seeds are stored in the room temperature 27 º C and humidity 60-70%before dikecambahkan.
b. other ways
1). Soak beans in water for 6-7 days and change the water every day, then soak in a solution of Dithane M - 45 0.2% for 2 minutes. Dried beans.
2). Put beans into pengecembahan tin and place in a room with a temperature of 39º C and humidity of 60-70% for 60 days. Every 7 days the seeds dried for 3 minutes.
3). After 60 days of soaking seeds in water until the water content of 20-30% anddried again. Enter a seed into a solution of Dithane M - 45 0.2% for 1-2 minutes.
4). Save the seeds of the room-temperature 27 º C. After 10 days the seedsgerminated at day 30 is not used anymore.
3. Nursery techniques seeds germinate
There are two breeding techniques: (1) how the two stages through dederan(prenursery) and (2) a direct way without dederan. Nursery land cleared, leveled andequipped with the installation of watering. Dipembibitan seed spacing is 50 x 50cm, 60 x 60 cm, 65 x 65 cm, 70 x 70 cm, 80 x 80 cm, 85 x 85 cm, 90 x 90 cm or 100x 100 cm in the form of an equilateral triangle.
So the needs of seedlings per hectare between 12,500 to 25,000 eggs.
1). Soak beans in water for 6-7 days and change the water every day, then soak in a solution of Dithane M - 45 0.2% for 2 minutes. Dried beans.
2). Put beans into pengecembahan tin and place in a room with a temperature of 39º C and humidity of 60-70% for 60 days. Every 7 days the seeds dried for 3 minutes.
3). After 60 days of soaking seeds in water until the water content of 20-30% anddried again. Enter a seed into a solution of Dithane M - 45 0.2% for 1-2 minutes.
4). Save the seeds of the room-temperature 27 º C. After 10 days the seedsgerminated at day 30 is not used anymore.
3. Nursery techniques seeds germinate
There are two breeding techniques: (1) how the two stages through dederan(prenursery) and (2) a direct way without dederan. Nursery land cleared, leveled andequipped with the installation of watering. Dipembibitan seed spacing is 50 x 50cm, 60 x 60 cm, 65 x 65 cm, 70 x 70 cm, 80 x 80 cm, 85 x 85 cm, 90 x 90 cm or 100x 100 cm in the form of an equilateral triangle.
So the needs of seedlings per hectare between 12,500 to 25,000 eggs.
a. Indirect way
1). Dederan
Sprouts put in polybags of 12 x 23 cm or 15 x 23 cm contains 1.5 to 2.0 kg of topsoilthat has been sifted. Sprouts at planting depth of 2 cm. Land in polybags shouldalways be moist. Save dibedengan polybag with a diameter of 120 cm. After the age of 3-4 months and leaves 4-5 strands of seeds implanted was transferred to thenursery.
2). nurseries
Seeds of dederan transferred into polybags of 40 x 50 cm or 45 x 60 cm 0.1 mmthick containing 15-30 kg of sieved topsoil. Before the seed is planted, watering the soil in the polybag until moist. Polybags arranged on land that has been flattened andarranged in an equilateral triangle position with distance as mentioned above.
5. Breeding by Tissue Culture
Breeding material in the form of root cells (English method) and leaf cells (Frenchmethod). This method is able to reproduce seeds with a high production rate anduniform plant growth.
1). Dederan
Sprouts put in polybags of 12 x 23 cm or 15 x 23 cm contains 1.5 to 2.0 kg of topsoilthat has been sifted. Sprouts at planting depth of 2 cm. Land in polybags shouldalways be moist. Save dibedengan polybag with a diameter of 120 cm. After the age of 3-4 months and leaves 4-5 strands of seeds implanted was transferred to thenursery.
2). nurseries
Seeds of dederan transferred into polybags of 40 x 50 cm or 45 x 60 cm 0.1 mmthick containing 15-30 kg of sieved topsoil. Before the seed is planted, watering the soil in the polybag until moist. Polybags arranged on land that has been flattened andarranged in an equilateral triangle position with distance as mentioned above.
b. direct way
Direct sprouts grown in polybags large size like the way this pembibitan.Cara saveenergy and costs.
4. Maintenance breeding / seeding
a. Maintenance performed on seedlings in the nursery and dederan
1). Watering is done twice a day unless there is rain more than 7-8 mm. Needsabout 2 liters of water for each polybag.
2). Weeds removed / revoked or herbicides sprayed every 3 months. Weedingdone 2-3 times a month or adapted to the growth of weeds. Another way to preventweeds is to sow litter in polybags.
3). Seeds that grow abnormal, diseased and has a genetic abnormality should be discarded. Selection done at age 4 and 9 months.
4). Fertilization is done how many times during the breeding and administered in a solution of urea or compound fertilizer.
b. Provision of fertilizer in nurseries
1). Age of seedlings 4-5 weeks of 0.2% solution of urea, 3-4 liters larutan/100 seedsin one week rotation.
2). Age of seed 6-7 0.2% urea solution, the dose of 4-5 liters larutan/100 seedlingsin one-week rotation.
3). Age of seedlings 8-16 weeks; Rustica dose of 1 gram / seeds in 2-week rotation.
4). Seedling age 17-20 weeks, Rustica dose of 5 g / seedlings in 2-week rotation.
5). Seedling age 21-28 weeks, Rustica dose 8 grams / seedlings in 2-week rotation.
6). Age of seedlings 29-40 weeks, the dose of 15 grams of Rustica /seedlings in 2-week rotation.
7). Seedling age 41-48 weeks, the dose of 17 grams Rustica /seedlings in 2-week rotation.
Direct sprouts grown in polybags large size like the way this pembibitan.Cara saveenergy and costs.
4. Maintenance breeding / seeding
a. Maintenance performed on seedlings in the nursery and dederan
1). Watering is done twice a day unless there is rain more than 7-8 mm. Needsabout 2 liters of water for each polybag.
2). Weeds removed / revoked or herbicides sprayed every 3 months. Weedingdone 2-3 times a month or adapted to the growth of weeds. Another way to preventweeds is to sow litter in polybags.
3). Seeds that grow abnormal, diseased and has a genetic abnormality should be discarded. Selection done at age 4 and 9 months.
4). Fertilization is done how many times during the breeding and administered in a solution of urea or compound fertilizer.
b. Provision of fertilizer in nurseries
1). Age of seedlings 4-5 weeks of 0.2% solution of urea, 3-4 liters larutan/100 seedsin one week rotation.
2). Age of seed 6-7 0.2% urea solution, the dose of 4-5 liters larutan/100 seedlingsin one-week rotation.
3). Age of seedlings 8-16 weeks; Rustica dose of 1 gram / seeds in 2-week rotation.
4). Seedling age 17-20 weeks, Rustica dose of 5 g / seedlings in 2-week rotation.
5). Seedling age 21-28 weeks, Rustica dose 8 grams / seedlings in 2-week rotation.
6). Age of seedlings 29-40 weeks, the dose of 15 grams of Rustica /seedlings in 2-week rotation.
7). Seedling age 41-48 weeks, the dose of 17 grams Rustica /seedlings in 2-week rotation.
5. Breeding by Tissue Culture
Breeding material in the form of root cells (English method) and leaf cells (Frenchmethod). This method is able to reproduce seeds with a high production rate anduniform plant growth.
6. selection of seedlings
Seedlings were selected twice in the nursery of the introduction (dederan) and themain nursery. Plants that form abnormal disposed of characteristics:
a. Seeds of plants rises and stiff.
b. Seedlings droop.
c. Child leaves no perfect split.
d. Affected by the disease.
e. Leaves the child is not perfect.
Land for planting oil palm can be used forest areas, or other former rubberplantation and the area previously planted with oil palm. Land clearing is donemechanically, chemically or manually.
1. Determination of Plant Patterns
When the canopy has not been close to each other, palm oil can be ditumpang sariwith all kinds of crops / fruits like pineapple. But if the crown has been closed to each other, just a shade plants can be planted between dibarisan palm oil / palm oilis planted with a monoculture.
2. Hole Making Plant
Pengajiran necessary to know the places to be made the planting hole. Water is installed at a distance of 9 x 9 x 9 m in a triangular pattern. Planting holes are madeseveral days before planting with a size of 50 x 40 cm deep as 40 cm, the remainingexcavation of topsoil (20 cm) separated from the soil below. If aeal hilly, made terraces circling buki and hole is 1.5 m from the slopes.
3. Planting Method
Palm should be planted at the beginning of the rainy season, after the rain fellsteadily. The day before planting, watering seedlings in polybags.
a. Planting hole agropholsrock fertilized with phosphate phosphate 250 g / hole.
b. Remove the plastic poly bag carefully and input of seeds into the hole.
c. Seedlings with soil excavation piled up, padatkan by hand. Seeds must beground evenly with the soil surface.
d. Give mulch in each bar.
Seedlings were selected twice in the nursery of the introduction (dederan) and themain nursery. Plants that form abnormal disposed of characteristics:
a. Seeds of plants rises and stiff.
b. Seedlings droop.
c. Child leaves no perfect split.
d. Affected by the disease.
e. Leaves the child is not perfect.
Land for planting oil palm can be used forest areas, or other former rubberplantation and the area previously planted with oil palm. Land clearing is donemechanically, chemically or manually.
1. Determination of Plant Patterns
When the canopy has not been close to each other, palm oil can be ditumpang sariwith all kinds of crops / fruits like pineapple. But if the crown has been closed to each other, just a shade plants can be planted between dibarisan palm oil / palm oilis planted with a monoculture.
2. Hole Making Plant
Pengajiran necessary to know the places to be made the planting hole. Water is installed at a distance of 9 x 9 x 9 m in a triangular pattern. Planting holes are madeseveral days before planting with a size of 50 x 40 cm deep as 40 cm, the remainingexcavation of topsoil (20 cm) separated from the soil below. If aeal hilly, made terraces circling buki and hole is 1.5 m from the slopes.
3. Planting Method
Palm should be planted at the beginning of the rainy season, after the rain fellsteadily. The day before planting, watering seedlings in polybags.
a. Planting hole agropholsrock fertilized with phosphate phosphate 250 g / hole.
b. Remove the plastic poly bag carefully and input of seeds into the hole.
c. Seedlings with soil excavation piled up, padatkan by hand. Seeds must beground evenly with the soil surface.
d. Give mulch in each bar.
F. PLANT MAINTENANCE1. Stitching and SpacingPlants that die / do not grow well embroidered with seed age 10-14 months.Stitching done during the rainy season and usually includes 3-5% for each hectare.Preferably in one hectare there are only 130 plants so there is no competition sunlight. Thinning carried out on plants that are not healthy and causes obstruction of sunlight.2. Land Cover Crop PlantingIt is important legume crops to plant ground cover to retain moisture, suppress weeds and improve the physical properties, chemical and biological soil. Legumes are planted is centrocenma pubescens, Pueraria javanica, phosphocarpus palusleris and Calopogonium mucunoides.3. WeedingPlants around the palm oil that is in the neighborhood diameter 1-2 m should be clean of weeds. Eradication of weeds is done mechanically (repealed, dikored) and sprayed herbicides.4. FertilizationTropical soils are nutrient deficiencies of N, P and K so that all three nutrients must be added through inorganic fertilizer comprising from 1.3 kg N, 0.2 kg P and 1.8 kg K for each plant for one year.Lack elements N, P, K and Mg inhibit the growth of palm oil, so the plants become stunted, boron deficiency in plants can kill young plants. The type and dose and timing of fertilizer application recommendation of the Research Institute for Estate Crops are as follows:a. For plants not yet in production, fertilizer N, P, K, Mg and B sown evenly in the dish from a distance of 20 cm from the subject until the end of the horn with a dose as follows:· Urea: doses of 2.0 to 2.5 kg / tree / year, 2 times a gift.· KCl: doses of 2.5 to 3.0 kg / tree / year, 2 times a gift.· Kieserite: doses of 1.0 to 1.5 kg / tree / year, a time of giving.· SP-36: doses of 0.75 to 1.0 kg / tree / year, a time of giving.· Borax: doses of 0.05 to 0.1 kg / tree / year, 2 times a gift.b. For plants that have been productive, the fertilizer N sows started a distance of 50 cm from the subject until the outer edge of the disc, fertilizer P, K and Mg are sown evenly at a distance of 1-3 m from the principal and fertilizer B sown at a distance of 30-50 cm from the subject, with dose as follows:· Urea: doses of 0.4 to 0.6 kg / tree / year, 2 times a gift.· KCl: doses of 0.25 to 0.3 kg / tree / year, 2 times a gift.· Kieserite: doses of 0.2 to 0.5 kg / tree / year, 2 times a gift.· SP-36: doses of 0.1 to 0.2 kg / tree / year, a time of giving.· Borax: doses of 0.02 to 0.05 kg / tree / year, 2 times a gift.c. The first fertilizer preferably at the beginning of the rainy season (September-October) and the second end of the rainy season (March-April).5. Trimming LeafPruning aims to obtain a clean plant, leaf number and facilitate optimal harvest, there are three types of pruning are:
a. trimmer sand
Making dried leaves, fruit or fruit rot first time old plants 16-20 months.
b. trimmer production
Cut the leaves of the growth of overlapping (songgo two) in preparation for harveston plants aged 20-28.
c. trimmer maintainer
Discard the leaves and routinely songgo so on staple crops were only there were a number of 28-54 strands.
6. Kastarasi Interest
Cut flowers are grown male and female plants at age 12-20 months.
Making dried leaves, fruit or fruit rot first time old plants 16-20 months.
b. trimmer production
Cut the leaves of the growth of overlapping (songgo two) in preparation for harveston plants aged 20-28.
c. trimmer maintainer
Discard the leaves and routinely songgo so on staple crops were only there were a number of 28-54 strands.
6. Kastarasi Interest
Cut flowers are grown male and female plants at age 12-20 months.
7. Artificial pollination
Male and female flowers on the palm located separately and do not cook together so that less intensive natural pollination. To optimize the number of bunches of fruit,performed by a human or artificial pollination by insects.
a. Pollination by humans
Performed on old plants 2-7 weeks on the flowers that are repressive (female flowers are ready to pollinated by male pollen). Feature of interest is the stigmarepressive open, the color of the anthers reddish and slimy. As for how pollination:
1). Open the flower sheath.
2). Mix the pollen in pure talc (1: 2). Pollen taken from the tree of good and is usuallyprepared in the laboratory.
3). Spray the pollen on the stigma of using baby duster / puffer.
b. Pollination by insects
Elaeidobius Camerunicus insect pollinators attracted to the smell of male flowers.Insects released at the time the female flowers are being repressive. The advantages of this way is a bunch of flowers larger, more perfect form of interest, a greater oil production 15% and core production increased to 30%. Deficiencies in this way is difficult loss and fruit bunches must halved in processing.
Male and female flowers on the palm located separately and do not cook together so that less intensive natural pollination. To optimize the number of bunches of fruit,performed by a human or artificial pollination by insects.
a. Pollination by humans
Performed on old plants 2-7 weeks on the flowers that are repressive (female flowers are ready to pollinated by male pollen). Feature of interest is the stigmarepressive open, the color of the anthers reddish and slimy. As for how pollination:
1). Open the flower sheath.
2). Mix the pollen in pure talc (1: 2). Pollen taken from the tree of good and is usuallyprepared in the laboratory.
3). Spray the pollen on the stigma of using baby duster / puffer.
b. Pollination by insects
Elaeidobius Camerunicus insect pollinators attracted to the smell of male flowers.Insects released at the time the female flowers are being repressive. The advantages of this way is a bunch of flowers larger, more perfect form of interest, a greater oil production 15% and core production increased to 30%. Deficiencies in this way is difficult loss and fruit bunches must halved in processing.
8. Pests and Diseases
a. pest
1). nematodes
Cause rhadinaphelenchus cocophilus. The part that is attacked is the root.Symptoms are: center crown dwarfed, curled new leaves and erect, the leaveschange color to yellow and dry, bunches of fruit to rot. Control: the poisoned tree withsodium arsenit and dismantled and burnt after death.
2). Tunggau
Cause: Tunggau Red (Oliganycus). The part that is the leaf attacked. Symptoms:leaves become shiny and colored leaves bronz. Control using aktrisida tetradifon0.1 to 0.2%.
3). caterpillars Setora
Cause setora nitens. The part that is the leaf attacked. Symptoms: leaves eatenleaving only lidinya only. Control using insecticides Hosation UI.V 25, 85 ES Sevin,Dursban 20 EC at concentrations of 0.2 to 0.3%.
a. pest
1). nematodes
Cause rhadinaphelenchus cocophilus. The part that is attacked is the root.Symptoms are: center crown dwarfed, curled new leaves and erect, the leaveschange color to yellow and dry, bunches of fruit to rot. Control: the poisoned tree withsodium arsenit and dismantled and burnt after death.
2). Tunggau
Cause: Tunggau Red (Oliganycus). The part that is the leaf attacked. Symptoms:leaves become shiny and colored leaves bronz. Control using aktrisida tetradifon0.1 to 0.2%.
3). caterpillars Setora
Cause setora nitens. The part that is the leaf attacked. Symptoms: leaves eatenleaving only lidinya only. Control using insecticides Hosation UI.V 25, 85 ES Sevin,Dursban 20 EC at concentrations of 0.2 to 0.3%.
4). Oil Palm Bunch Moth
Cause Tiorathaba mudella. The part that was attacked was a young fruit and sometimes fruit bunches. Symptoms: young fruit decay, rotten fruit bunches. Controlusing insecticides dipteres / thiodam (0.55 kg/370 liters of water). Also made the eradication of the parasite biology with parasitic wasps and flies.
5). beetle Oryctes
Cause oryctes rhynoceros. The part that is attacked is the growing point, would leaf.Leaf symptoms such as scissors cut; in severe attacks of insects will die. Control ofbiological improvement of sanitation and the eradication of the parasitic fungus.
6). Wild pigs and rats
Wild pigs and rats usually attack the oil palm trees are still young. For pest controlmice usually done by using / maintaining owl.
b. disease
1). root Blast
Cause: Rhizoctonia lamcllifera and Phythium Sp. The part that is attacked is the root. Symptoms: nursery seedlings die suddenly. Mature plants withered and died.Also visible presence of root decay. Control: making good persemai, provision of irrigation water in the dry season, control seedlings over 11 months.
Cause Tiorathaba mudella. The part that was attacked was a young fruit and sometimes fruit bunches. Symptoms: young fruit decay, rotten fruit bunches. Controlusing insecticides dipteres / thiodam (0.55 kg/370 liters of water). Also made the eradication of the parasite biology with parasitic wasps and flies.
5). beetle Oryctes
Cause oryctes rhynoceros. The part that is attacked is the growing point, would leaf.Leaf symptoms such as scissors cut; in severe attacks of insects will die. Control ofbiological improvement of sanitation and the eradication of the parasitic fungus.
6). Wild pigs and rats
Wild pigs and rats usually attack the oil palm trees are still young. For pest controlmice usually done by using / maintaining owl.
b. disease
1). root Blast
Cause: Rhizoctonia lamcllifera and Phythium Sp. The part that is attacked is the root. Symptoms: nursery seedlings die suddenly. Mature plants withered and died.Also visible presence of root decay. Control: making good persemai, provision of irrigation water in the dry season, control seedlings over 11 months.
2). Fusarium oxysporum
The cause of Fusarium oxysporum. The part that is the leaf attacked. Symptoms:pale yellow oval circle around the brown color in the leaves, dry leaves. Control ofdisease inoculation on seedlings and young plants.
3). Dry Basal Rot
Cause ceratocytis paradoxa. The part that is attacked is the stem. Symptoms:midrib easily broken, rotting leaves and dried, young leaves die and dry. Control is to plant seeds that have been in the inoculation.
1. Harvest
Palm oil after 2.5 years old and ripe fruit 5.5 months after pollination. An area can already be harvested if the plants have been aged 31 months. At least 61% of the fruit is ripe harvest, from 5 trees there are a bunch of ripe fruit tree crops.Characteristic of mature bunches are harvested at least 5 pieces of loose / fallenfrom bunches that weigh less than 10 kg or at least there are 10 bua is separated from the bunches that weigh
2. How to Harvest
Fruit from trees that are still taken with Chisel whereas low to high tree taken withagrek (long bamboo-handled sickle). Harvesting are:
The cause of Fusarium oxysporum. The part that is the leaf attacked. Symptoms:pale yellow oval circle around the brown color in the leaves, dry leaves. Control ofdisease inoculation on seedlings and young plants.
3). Dry Basal Rot
Cause ceratocytis paradoxa. The part that is attacked is the stem. Symptoms:midrib easily broken, rotting leaves and dried, young leaves die and dry. Control is to plant seeds that have been in the inoculation.
1. Harvest
Palm oil after 2.5 years old and ripe fruit 5.5 months after pollination. An area can already be harvested if the plants have been aged 31 months. At least 61% of the fruit is ripe harvest, from 5 trees there are a bunch of ripe fruit tree crops.Characteristic of mature bunches are harvested at least 5 pieces of loose / fallenfrom bunches that weigh less than 10 kg or at least there are 10 bua is separated from the bunches that weigh
2. How to Harvest
Fruit from trees that are still taken with Chisel whereas low to high tree taken withagrek (long bamboo-handled sickle). Harvesting are:
a. Plant age 4 years; result of oil = 500 kg / ha, the core = 100 kg / ha.
b. Plant age 5 years; the result of oil = 750 kg / ha, the core = 150 kg / ha.
c. Plant age 6 years; result of oil = 1000 kg / ha, the core = 200 kg / ha.
d. Plant age 7 years; result of oil = 1300 kg / ha, the core = 260 kg / ha.
e. Plant age 8 years; result of oil = 1600 kg / ha, the core = 320 kg / ha.
f. Plant age 9 years; result of oil = 1900 kg / ha, the core = 380 kg / ha.
g. Plant age of 10 years; the result of oil = 2000 kg / ha, the core = 400 kg / ha.
h. Plant age of 11 years; the result of oil = 2000 kg / ha, the core = 440 kg / ha.
i. Plant age 12 years; the result of oil = 2000 kg / ha, the core = 450 kg / ha.
Those results are still below satandar palm oil production in Southeast Asia an average of 5 tons / ha and Malaysia that can reach 6-8 tons / ha.
3. post-Harvest
Fruit bunches are placed in a dish of fruit off the united and separated from thebunches. Fruit bunches brought from the place of gathering fruit (TPB) by truck can be postponed. At PTB bunches arranged in a line up 5 or 10. Oil palm fruit must betransported to the factory to be processed. Storage causes high levels of free fattyacids. Processing done no later than 8 hours after harvest.
In the factory the fruit will be boiled, put in the machine releases the fruit, crushed in the fruit, digaster, pressed by machine to remove oil and purified. Pressed in the form of dried residue remaining to separate the seeds and fiber. Seeds are driedand solved in order to core (kernel) is separate from cangkangny
source: Ministry of Agriculture RI
b. Plant age 5 years; the result of oil = 750 kg / ha, the core = 150 kg / ha.
c. Plant age 6 years; result of oil = 1000 kg / ha, the core = 200 kg / ha.
d. Plant age 7 years; result of oil = 1300 kg / ha, the core = 260 kg / ha.
e. Plant age 8 years; result of oil = 1600 kg / ha, the core = 320 kg / ha.
f. Plant age 9 years; result of oil = 1900 kg / ha, the core = 380 kg / ha.
g. Plant age of 10 years; the result of oil = 2000 kg / ha, the core = 400 kg / ha.
h. Plant age of 11 years; the result of oil = 2000 kg / ha, the core = 440 kg / ha.
i. Plant age 12 years; the result of oil = 2000 kg / ha, the core = 450 kg / ha.
Those results are still below satandar palm oil production in Southeast Asia an average of 5 tons / ha and Malaysia that can reach 6-8 tons / ha.
3. post-Harvest
Fruit bunches are placed in a dish of fruit off the united and separated from thebunches. Fruit bunches brought from the place of gathering fruit (TPB) by truck can be postponed. At PTB bunches arranged in a line up 5 or 10. Oil palm fruit must betransported to the factory to be processed. Storage causes high levels of free fattyacids. Processing done no later than 8 hours after harvest.
In the factory the fruit will be boiled, put in the machine releases the fruit, crushed in the fruit, digaster, pressed by machine to remove oil and purified. Pressed in the form of dried residue remaining to separate the seeds and fiber. Seeds are driedand solved in order to core (kernel) is separate from cangkangny
source: Ministry of Agriculture RI
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